Monday, 11 February 2013

Adelaide day 0 - Parlamento

Landed in Adelaide around 6pm tonight I'm quite surprised the taxi fare was so cheap from the airport to the CBD! At $23 Ish dollars I guess it's not bad for a 30mins taxi fare hey??

Unfortunately being a Sunday and after 6pm everything is pretty much shut :( did see across from my hotel (the Stamford Plaza) there's a casino and train station!

Am glad Crown spent some money renovating our casino up, Adelaide's one looks like a theatre or the GPO building in Perth :))

Overall looks like a nice place, Rundle mall is what I would describe as Murray and Hay street mall joined end to end but yes Adelaide is a smaller town than Perth so there!

Food wise I ended up going to a restaurant next to my hotel since my alternatives were closed on a Sunday (/sigh)

Parlamento a home style Italian bistro, not too bad and the waiters are in old school black and white uniforms (++ for them being aussie/italian and able to speak Italian !) but food wise barely passed with my steak not coming medium rare but. More on the side of dead Gray :/

But that aside at least it makes a nice photo...

Parlamento on Urbanspoon

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